Kenyelletso ea phapang lipakeng tsa li-inverters tse phahameng le li-inverters tse tlase
Kenyelletso ea phapang lipakeng tsa li-inverters tse phahameng le li-inverters tse tlase

1. Ho ea ka tafole ea karohano ea li-spectrum e entsoeng ke Setsi sa Baenjiniere ba Motlakase le Elektronike (IEEE), maqhubu a tlase ke 30 ~ 300kHz, maqhubu a mahareng a maqhubu ke 300 ~ 3000kHz, maqhubu a phahameng-frequency ke 3 ~ 30MHz, and the frequency range of 30~300MHz is very high frequency. , 300~1000MHz is ultra-high frequency. Compared with low-frequency signals, high-frequency signals change very quickly and have sudden changes; low-frequency signals change slowly and have smooth waveforms.

2. Power supply and signal are different. The voltage provided by the power board generally has a frequency of 0 (DC power supply) or 50Hz (AC power supply). The signal can be said to be high frequency or low frequency (or other frequencies). It is difficult to say whether the power board is used for power supply, because it is only used for power supply and the frequency is very low. If it must be said, it is only low frequency.

3. The main advantages of high-frequency inverters are light weight, boholo bo nyane, low standby power, and relatively high efficiency (relatively saving some power). The disadvantage is that the impact resistance is not as good as the power frequency inverter (ke hore, the low frequency you mentioned), and it may not be able to carry electrical appliances such as food mixers and hand drills. The disadvantages of low frequency are that it is heavier and larger, the price may be slightly more expensive, and its own loss will be slightly greater (it consumes a bit of electricity). The advantage is that it is relatively sturdy and has better ability to carry impact electrical appliances.

Tlohela Karabo

Aterese ea hau ea lengolo-tsoibila e ke ke ea phatlalatsoa. Libaka tse hlokahalang li tšoailoe *

Buisana le Kristin
se ntse 1902 melaetsa

  • kristin 10:12 AM, Kajeno
    Ke thabetse ho amohela molaetsa oa hau, 'me ena ke karabelo ea kristin ho uena